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Article: What to wear: outfit ideas for Christmas

What to wear: outfit ideas for Christmas

By Kylie McShane

In a year universally panned by critics, it’s time to frock up and shine. Here’s a few suggestions on how to match our gorgeous new amulets range with some of our favourite independent Australian fashion labels. We are extra super encouraging people to shop small this year to help a person, community or family directly. This time; it’s even more personal.

While you’re perusing these selections don’t forget: our pieces have accessories such as earrings and bracelets to complement them if your budget is up to it. And most of our necklaces can be extended to reflect your preference.

Here are our picks for festive outfitting this year ...

Whichever way you go, our new range features gorgeous gemstones set in numerous formats from necklaces to rings. Match them with a piece from your favourite independent clothing designer’s range or anything above and get ready to leave this tough year behind. But be sure to get some pavlova in first.

To take some pressure off, if you are sending gifts we can wrap them for you and add a colourful, uplifting Claire Ishino floral gift card with a personal message, or you can add your own if you’re gift giving face to face. Don’t forget your tissues for those you haven’t seen in a while.

Here’s to 2021 and to you.