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Jewellery product images

Images relating to jewellery which is for sale via this website, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Under this licence, these images must be correctly attributed and derivative works are not permitted.

Unless specified otherwise all other content is all rights reserved, including text, design elements, code and CSS for this website along with product descriptions, written articles and blog posts. See below for further details.


For images covered by the above Creative Commons license, attribution must be prominently displayed on the page where the images or text covered by this license appears.

There must be the following link included as part of the attribution (including the text):

Simone Walsh Jewellery

Or if published in the US:

Simone Walsh Jewelry

There must also be a copyright notice accompanying any image or text used:

© Simone Walsh Designs

Pinning of images of jewellery onto Pinterest is permitted provided appropriate attribution and a link back to the source is provided. Pins which do not meet these requirements will be reported for removal.

Derivative works

As per this license, derivative works are not permitted.

All other images, text, etc.

Unless otherwise stated (see above), all material including without limitation all text, images, sound, digitally stored information, code, website design elements, programs or data comprised in or appearing on this web site is protected under the Copyright Act 1968 (Australia) and by International Copyright Legal Conventions and all rights are reserved unless otherwise specified.

Unless there is an exception, no material comprised in or appearing on this website may be reproduced, re-transmitted, broadcast or adapted without permission from Simone Walsh Designs or the relevant copyright owner in the case where Simone Walsh Designs does not own copyright.

Any unauthorised use of the material comprised in or appearing on this website is unlawful and can result in civil or criminal liability and penalties.

What this applies to

This information applies to this website, including any subdomains.

It also applies to any of Simone Walsh's images taken from other sources.
